The latest issue of the
International Review of the Red Cross (Vol. 89, no. 865, March 2007) is out. The theme is Humanitarian Actors. Contents include:
- Interview with Ms Fatima Gailani, President of the Afghan Red Crescent Society
- Philippe Ryfman, Non-governmental organizations: An indispensable player of humanitarian aid
- Daniel Thürer, Dunant's pyramid: Thoughts on the "humanitarian space"
- David P. Forsythe, The ICRC: A unique humanitarian protagonist
- Brigitte Troyon & Daniel Palmieri, The ICRC delegate: An exceptional humanitarian player?
- Kate Mackintosh, Beyond the Red Cross: The protection of independent humanitarian organizations and their staff in international humanitarian law
- Aurélio Viotti, In search of symbiosis: The Security Council in the humanitarian domain