Michael Rodi, Michael Mehling, Janine Rechel, & Elizabeth Zelljadt, Implementing the Kyoto Protocol in a Multidimensional Legal System: Lessons from a Comparative Assessment
Lavanya Rajamani, The Nature, Promise, and Limits of Differential Treatment in the Climate Regime
Joyeeta Gupta, International Law and Climate Change: The Challenges Facing Developing Countries
Dagmar Lohan & Claudio Forner, Science-Policy Interaction: Challenges for Ensuring a Credible Climate Change Regime
Marjan Peeters, European Climate Change Policy: Critical Issues and Challenges for the Future
Patricia Park, Implementation of the European Union Emissions-Trading Scheme in the United Kingdom: Some Lessons to be Learned
Rodrigo Sales & Bruno Kerlakian Sabbag, Environmental Requirements and Additionality under the Clean Development Mechanism: A Legal Review under the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Brazilian Legal Framework on Climate Change
Charlotte Streck & Xinjun Zhang, Implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism in China: Sustainable Development, Benefit Sharing, and Ownership of Certified Emissions Reductions
Emmanuel B. Kasimbazi, In the Defence of Posterity: Challenges of Implementing Clean Development Mechanisms in Uganda