While the law of occupation establishes a number of mechanisms to oversee the conduct of the occupying power and ensure it respects the law, practice demonstrates time and again that legal tools and institutions have only a limited ability to effectively regulate the actions of an occupying power. The 40th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip presents a unique opportunity to take stock and critically assess the impact of law in situations of occupation from a broad theoretical perspective, using the situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a principal case study.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Conference: Forty Years After 1967
The Minerva Center for Human Rights (Hebrew Univ. & Tel-Aviv Univ.) will host a conference, June 5-7, 2007, in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, on Forty Years After 1967: Reappraising the Role and Limits of the Legal Discourse on Occupation in the Israeli-Palestinian Context. The program is here. Why attend?