Thursday, July 4, 2024

New Volume: Austrian Review of International and European Law

The latest volume of the Austrian Review of International and European Law (Vol. 27, 2022) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Issue: International Human Rights and International Economic Law: Interfaces, Challenges, Visions
    • Christina Binder & Ursula Kriebaum, Introduction to the ARIEL Special Issue – ‘International Human Rights and International Economic Law: Interfaces, Challenges, Visions’
    • Andreas Th Müller, The Right to Water as a Shaping Force in International Economic Law
    • Rafael Tamayo-Álvarez & René Urueña, Regulating Seed Digitization: What Role for Seed Sovereignty?
    • Julian Scheu & Eva-Maria Wettstein, Climate Change, Human Rights, and Private Capital: The Obligation of States to Close the Climate Investment Gap
    • Ursula Kriebaum, Parallel Proceedings – Investment Arbitration and the European Court of Human Rights
    • Rebecca McMenamin & Michael Waibel, Shareholder Protection in International Human Rights and Investment Law
    • Irmgard Marboe, The Legal Consequences of a Violation: Reparation/Just Satisfaction/Damages by Human Rights Bodies and Investment Tribunals
    • Veronika Bílková, Economic Sanctions Against Individuals and Human Rights Law
    • Finnur Magnússon, Sanctions against Individuals and Investment Law
    • Mateja S Platise, Traditional Legal Concepts under Fire? Business and Human Rights at the International, National and EU Levels
  • General Article
    • Gábor Kajtár, Between Chaos and Coherence – Attribution Tests in the Practice of International Investment Tribunals