Thursday, July 4, 2024

New Issue: Journal of Conflict & Security Law

The latest issue of the Journal of Conflict & Security Law (Vol. 29, no. 1, Spring 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Catherine O’Rourke, Disarming the Women, Peace and Security agenda: the case for centring the United Nations General Assembly
  • Luigi Daniele, Incidentality of the civilian harm in international humanitarian law and its Contra Legem antonyms in recent discourses on the laws of war
  • Natalino Ronzitti, Neutrality, non-belligerency, and permanent neutrality according to recent practice and doctrinal views
  • Quoc Tan Trung Nguyen, The practice of non-recognition and economic sanctions: The case study of Ukraine, Manchuria and South Africa
  • David McKeever, Old Rules to Fix New Problems: Counterterrorism, Refugees and Withdrawal of Nationality
  • Yasuhito Fukui, International Nuclear Security Law: The Use of ‘Soft Law’
  • Brendan Walker-Munro, Can Autonomous Weapon Systems be Seized? Interactions with the Law of Prize and War Booty
  • Michael Moncrieff, Pavle Kilibarda, & Gloria Gaggioli, Social network analysis and counterterrorism: a double-edged sword for international humanitarian law