- Janina Dill, Threats to state survival as emergencies in international law
- Regan Burles, Globalizing the international: Bull's metaphysics of order
- Matthew Draper & Stephan Haggard, The authoritarian challenge: liberal thinking on autocracy and international relations, 1930–45
- Derek Bolton, The unbearable lightness of being? Reconfiguring the moral underpinnings and sources of ontological security
- Sarah Sunn Bush & Sarah S. Stroup, Stay off my field: policing boundaries in human rights and democracy promotion
- Shmuel Nili, Getting away with it? Kleptocracy, atrocities, and the morality of autocratic exile
- Maria Birnbaum, The costs of recognition: global politics, religion, and the colonial history of South Asia
Friday, June 30, 2023
New Issue: International Theory
The latest issue of International Theory (Vol. 15, no. 2, July 2023) is out. Contents include: