This article engages with the controversy around the removal of Confederate Monuments in the US, from the perspective of international law. While the issue is prima facie domestic, international law offers a laboratory to consider the multiple tensions a step removed from their current charged and emotional environment. The article argues that, for the most part, international law supports maintaining the status quo with respect to the monuments, particularly through its preference for all-or-nothing responses. However, read from the perspective of transitional justice, greater nuance and pragmatism is added to the debate, leading to more constructive responses that can actually live up to international law's promises with respect to the fields affected by the Confederate Monuments controversy.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Lixinski: Confederate Monuments and International Law
Lucas Lixinski (Univ. of New South Wales - Law) has posted Confederate Monuments and International Law (Wisconsin International Law Journal, forthcoming). Here's the abstract: