Thursday, July 4, 2024

New Issue: Transnational Environmental Law

The latest issue of Transnational Environmental Law (Vol. 13, no. 1, March 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Editorial
    • Thijs Etty, Josephine van Zeben, Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli, Bruce Huber, Sébastien Jodoin, & Leonie Reins, Salvaging Environmental Law
  • Articles
    • Matthias Petel, The Illusion of Harmony: Power, Politics, and Distributive Implications of Rights of Nature
    • Rachel Killean, Jérémie Gilbert, & Peter Doran, Rights of Nature on the Island of Ireland: Origins, Drivers, and Implications for Future Rights of Nature Movements
    • Alice Pirlot, Carbon Leakage and International Climate Change Law
    • Lukas Schuett, Permanence and Liability: Legal Considerations on the Integration of Carbon Dioxide Removal into the EU Emissions Trading System
    • Laura Mai, Measuring It, Managing It, Fixing It? Data and Rights in Transnational and Local Climate Change Governance
    • Patrick Toussaint, Loss and Damage, Climate Victims, and International Climate Law: Looking Back, Looking Forward
    • Suvi-Tuuli Puharinen, Antti Belinskij, & Niko Soininen, Adapting Hydropower to European Union Water Law: Flexible Governance versus Legal Effectiveness in Sweden and Finland
    • Sébastien Jodoin & Kasia Johnson, The Intersections of Public Rights and Private Rules: An Analysis of Human Rights in Forestry and Fisheries Certification Standards