Thursday, July 4, 2024

New Issue: Journal of Human Rights Practice

The latest issue of the Journal of Human Rights Practice (Vol. 16, no. 1, February 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Special Collection - Developments, Opportunities and Complexities in Global South Climate Litigation
    • Melanie Jean Murcott & Maria Antonia Tigre, Developments, Opportunities, and Complexities in Global South Climate Litigation: Introduction to the Special Collection
    • Maria Antonia Tigre, The ‘Fair Share’ of Climate Mitigation: Can Litigation Increase National Ambition for Brazil?
    • Danielle de Andrade Moreira, Ana Lucia B . Nina, Carolina de Figueiredo Garrido, & Maria Eduarda Segovia Barbosa Neves, Rights-Based Climate Litigation in Brazil: An Assessment of Constitutional Cases Before the Brazilian Supreme Court
    • Délton Winter de Carvalho & Rafaela Santos Martins da Rosa, Climate Constitutionalism as a Foundation for Climate Litigation in Latin America
    • Fernanda de Salles Cavedon-Capdeville, María Valeria Berros, Humberto Filpi, & Paola Villavicencio-Calzadilla, An Ecocentric Perspective on Climate Litigation: Lessons from Latin America
    • Ademola Oluborode Jegede, Framing Climate Litigation in Individual Communications of the African Human Rights System: Claw-Backs and Substantive Divergences
    • Melanie Jean Murcott & Clive Vinti, The Judge-Made ‘Duty’ to Consider Climate Change in South Africa
    • Yusra Suedi & Marie Fall, Climate Change Litigation before the African Human Rights System: Prospects and Pitfalls
    • Gastón Medici-Colombo & Thays Ricarte, The Escazú Agreement Contribution to Environmental Justice in Latin America: An Exploratory Empirical Inquiry through the Lens of Climate Litigation
    • Juan Auz, The Political Ecology of Climate Remedies in Latin America and the Caribbean: Comparing Compliance between National and Inter-American Litigation
    • Natalia Urzola Gutiérrez, Gender in Climate Litigation in Latin America: Epistemic Justice Through a Feminist Lens
    • Diogo Andreolla Serraglio, Fernanda de Salles Cavedon-Capdeville, & Fanny Thornton, The Multi-Dimensional Emergence of Climate-Induced Migrants in Rights-Based Litigation in the Global South
    • Lisa Chamberlain & Melissa Fourie, Using Climate Litigation to Strengthen Advocacy Strategies: The Life After Coal Campaign in South Africa
    • Lorena Zenteno Villa, Exploring Institutional Barriers to Effective Human Rights-Based Climate Litigation in Latin American Courts—Lessons from Chile and Ecuador
    • María Daniela de la Rosa Calderón, Rights-based Climate Litigation in Colombia: An Assessment of Claims, Remedies, and Implementation
    • Conrado M Cornelius, What Might Future Rights-Based Climate Litigation Look Like in Indonesia? A Preliminary Analysis
  • General Issue
    • Lina Hillert, Human Rights and Peacebuilding: Bridging the Gap
    • Corina Lacatus, Balancing Legalism and Pragmatism: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Human Rights Language in Peace Agreements
    • Sebastián Smart, Expanding and Contracting the UN Guiding Principles: an Analysis of Recent Inter-American Human Rights Court Decisions
    • Afrooz Kaviani Johnson, Grooming and Child Sexual Abuse in Organizational Settings—an Expanded Role for International Human Rights Law
    • Alejandro Anaya-Muñoz, Patricia Cruz-Marín, & James Cavallaro, More than Lack of Capacity: Active Impunity in Mexico
    • Daragh Murray, Pete Fussey, Kuda Hove, Wairagala Wakabi, Paul Kimumwe, Otto Saki, & Amy Stevens, The Chilling Effects of Surveillance and Human Rights: Insights from Qualitative Research in Uganda and Zimbabwe
    • Aysel Küçüksu, Proactive Prevention: Denmark’s Domestic Practices of Human Rights Compliance
    • Joe Mlenga, Coverage of Human Rights Issues in Malawian Newsrooms: Challenges and Prospects
    • Catherine Masud & Armen T Marsoobian, The Power of Personal Archives in Witnessing, Teaching, and Visual Storytelling: The Armenian Memory Project
    • Dustin N Sharp, A Larger ‘We’; Identity, Spirituality and Social Change in Pluralistic Societies
    • Carolin Funke, Making it Work: Closing the Inclusion Gap for Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Crises