Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Call for Papers: ASIL/ESIL International Organizations Interest Groups Biannual Virtual Workshop

The International Organizations Interest Groups of the American Society of International Law and the European Society of International Law have issued a call for papers for their biannual virtual workshop of academic works in progress addressing the law or practice of international organizations. Here's the call:

The International Organizations Interest Groups (IOIGs) of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) and the European Society of International Law (ESIL) are delighted to announce a call for proposals for their biannual virtual workshop of academic works in progress addressing the law or practice of international organizations.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for scholars to receive feedback from their peers and experts in international organizations law. The tentative date to hold the workshop is 17 February 2025, at a time convenient for the most number of selected authors.

To be considered, please send an abstract of around 400 to 800 words to dpickard@debevoise.com and igioesil@gmail.com by 29 June 2024. Selected authors will be expected to submit article- or chapter-length papers by 2 December 2024. Co-authorship is permitted. We also welcome expressions of interest from potential reviewers.

Please contact dpickard@debevoise.com or igioesil@gmail.com with any questions.